1914 Tivy High School Graduating Class

Tivy High School 1914 Graduating Class – back row, Howard Butt, first one on left; Gussie May Brown, sixth from left; Harry Dietert, front row fifth from left.
My grandmother, Gussie May Brown (Mrs. Dan Auld, Sr.) graduated from Tivy High School on Friday, May 29, 1914, in Kerrville, Texas. She describes many events in her leather covered diary, embossed in gold, “The Girl Graduate and Her Own Book”, which was designed and illustrated by Louise Perrett and Sarah K. Smith and published by The Reilly and Britton Co., Chicago. It is written on the cover page as a gift from a friend.
The Baccalaureate Sermon was performed by Bishop Johnson.
The class flower was as written, Marschel Neil Rose, and class colors, black and old gold and the class motto, “Either find a way or make one”.
The page titled, Class Autographs have the following:
E. Doyle Grinstead
Lyla Courtney
Annie Mae Morriss
Florence Cade
Gerald J. Walther
Lela B. Douglas
William Ed Allen
Lucille Williamson
Oscar Strockbein
Howard Butt
Amye Thalman
Mary McKay
Agnes Kane
Winona Moore
Cliff Freeman
Jack Phillips
Jessie Phillips
Class President
Samuel Frances Drake
Secretary and Treasurer
Gussie May Brown
The Teachers:
Miss Maude Hart
Latin and History
Miss Louise McCormick
Domestic Science
Miss Valeska Rabke
German teacher
Mr. Alvin Dille
Physics and Chemistry
On the Social Events page, Gussie wrote:
Thursday, May 21st, the social events should have begun with a party at Lucille’s but on account of a heavy rain, much to the disappointment of all, the party was called off.
Friday, May 22nd, Mr. and Mrs. Dille were to entertain the class at a tacky party but owing to Mrs. Dille’s illness that was also called off.
Saturday night after a very hot and tiresome dress rehearsal Mr. and Mrs. Dille surprised the troupe and escorts with ice cream and cake the class colors being represented by the dark and yellow cake. The Grammar School Commencement was Monday night and Gussie went and had a most enjoyable time.
Tuesday night the Juniors gave “Us Seniors” a reception in the auditorium and though it was not quite as great as success as we feel the one they had planned to give us at the park should have been, it was quite nice and we had a very delightful time.
Punch was served all during the evening and also sandwiches, salad and cake.
Wednesday night, we gave our play and it was fairly good success.
Thursday night an alumni banquet was well attended and enjoyed by the old and new graduates of Tivy High. The end to our high school days came Sunday night when we received our diplomas and incidentally a few flowers.
The Presents
Miss Kate Remschel – blue silk crepe Teddy Bears
Miss Elsie A. Johnston – hand embroidered Teddy Bears
Miss Kate Hamilton – gold bar pin with pearls
Jokes and Frolics
The biggest joke and frolic of the year was playing hooky on April fool’s Day. We went to Lakeside Park all except Oscar and Florence and had one more good time. We went swimming and boating and did lots of other things.
But believe me, when we got back to town lo and behold we found we were suspended from school for the rest of the week and that we’d have to be awfully good for the rest of the year.
One afternoon armed with such weapons as hoes, rakes and cement we (the whole class) took ourselves to Tivy Mountain and made some repairs. After which we took some pictures and ate fruit and went home.
Basketball, football, baseball and track game were taken great interest in this year.
The boys basketball team won one game from Center Point and lost one to them.
They were not quite so fortunate however in football as they lost all the games except one and they tied in this with the All-Stars.
Jim Guinn, Dan Auld, Harry Dietert and Emmett Henke were representatives of Kerrville in the tract meet at Austin.
Our basketball team won one game from Center Point but owing to… a sort of misunderstanding!!! we didn’t play with them anymore. We won all the other games that we played at school.
The school track meet was quite a success, Dan Auld winning the Senior Medal and Joe Williams the Junior Medal.

1914 Tivy High School Invitation cover page
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