Help Me to Identify Texas 1800’s Glass Negatives
Go to my blog post for more about the above photo: I have three boxes of glass negatives found in an old home being torn down near Kerrville in the late 1960’s. Finally found a scanner that could handle the 3-1/2″ X 3-1/2″ size and made a frame to hold them and revealed a unbelievable treasure!! Between each negative is scrap paper printed in German from a magazine or newspaper, most of the photos were taken in the Hill Country of Texas, one of the Alamo, a view out of the dome of the Capitol of downtown Austin, Texas looking down Congress Avenue toward the Colorado River, and some unidentified homes and people and stores. It has been a challenge to find out who and where these pictures were taken. I don’t know the photographer, but thought someone might know. Would love to see if anyone else can help me.
Please go to my second post about glass negatives at the link:

On left side is the Hugo and Schmeltzer Building that was purchased by Clara Driscoll so she could “Save the Alamo”, along with Adina de Zavala.

Federal Courthouse and Post Office at Alamo Plaza in San Antonio, built from 1886-1889 designed by architect James Riely Gordon (1863-1937) who worked in San Antonio from 1884 to 1900. This building was razed. Gordon is remembered for his courthouses, he designed eighteen for Texas.

Auditorium Building at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition of 1897 in Nashville; click photo to read my post. Thanks to Mark D. Cowan of Texas Historical Commission for this identification.

Dr. S. T. Lowry residence on southwest corner of Avenue C (now Broadway) and Travis Streets here in San Antonio. It was designed by the famous courthouse architect J. Reily Gordon. It was demolished many years ago and replaced by a music company. “This is definitely the best photo that I’ve seen of it”, Tom Shelton, Curator, ITC Library.
James, I’m glad you follow Traces of Texas and came to visit my blog. The Texas Historical Commission has copies of all these photos. I donated them and they helped with the identification of locations. It is a true journey finding the information about the simple glass-negatives found abandoned in a building. I have many stories to read; come back again. Jan
I don’t know if you’re aware, but the first picture captures a very important historic building. The big three story building across 12th street (first on the right) from the Capitol is the former Texas Business College building, which was taken over as the temporary capitol of Texas between 1881 when the old capitol burned and 1888 when the new one was completed. I’ve NEVER seen a photo of this building, only sketches. This is a very rare picture and you should get it out there, possibly offer the negative to the State Preservation Board.
Sometime I’ll scan the pages; they are out of a newspaper or publication of some type. Thanks for your offer. Jan
If you email me the german notes I can translate them for you.
This website may be helpful in your search for identifying 1800’s TX photos:
See your email for my reply. Thanks, Jan
Is there anyway to get a high resolution version of the photo from the capitol window? It is awesome! Thanks, Alex
Thanks for your feedback on the photo and for reading my blog. If you don’t mind me asking; how did you find my page?
I think the soda fountain is in Comfort. I remember walking into a shop there recently, an old soda fountain, and getting sodas but no dispenser like that. There was a space to the left for seating. As soon as I saw the photo I felt like it was the same.
These are FABULOUS. Thanks for publishing them.
Oh ok. I thought maybe they were handwritten with what was on each negative. Probably just random paper separating the slides then?
Thanks Annie, they look like from a published paper or magazine. Cut the size of the negatives which are actually 3-1/2″ X 3-1/2″ in size. I’ll get them scanned sometime soon.
I know some German, what do the scraps say? Let’s translate them so we can ID the buildings that are still unknown 🙂
Joe, Thank you for your help and sleuthing! It certainly is the same house. I thought Comfort was a direction to look but it took your hard work to find it. Thank you.
I believe the house captioned “Large Nice Home” is in Comfort. Compare it to 335 4th st in Comfort, TX 78013. Here’s a Google Map Streetview address:,Comfort,+TX&gl=us&ei=SPEJTqblH8bV0QHerZWdAQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CEIQ8gEwAA
Joe, I am unable to identify any from Kerrville. I believe either, Austin or San Antonio. Thanks for reading my blog!
Any of the images from Kerrville?