Menard County Texas Historical 1800’s Photos
- 1874c Fort McKavett photo shared by Cody Mobley on Facebook.
- 1875c Ragsdale ambrotype into CDV 10th Infantry Regiment hauling water to Fort McKavett from Government Springs West Texas Collection San Angelo THC
- 1875 c ambrotype to CDV stereo viewer Ragsdale photo of Mexican homes depicting earthen dugout in the San Saba River near Fort McKavett Texas Historic Commission
- 1878 M C Ragsdale photo of Company D and Captain D W Roberts Ranger Camp below Fort McKavett from UTSA website
- 1880 May 15 Texas Rangers at Fort McKavett, Menard County, Texas UTSA website
- 1870 c Annie Splittgerber Ellis photo from findagrave
- 1800’s Benchoff D G Saddlery and General Merchandise Menardville, Texas by N. H. Rose
- 1881 Schuchard Home, Menardville, Texas
- 1800’s Iron Clad Saloon Menardville, Texas from Alicia Brown from Menardville Museum
- 1884s construction of Old Rock Saloon owned by William Johnston
- 1885c Wallick’s Store with Sam Wallick and family when army was there. This was in front of Episcopal church parking lot shared on Ft McKavett Facebook
- 1885 Aug 27 Frontier Times photo of Early Day Cowmen taken at San Angelo Texas
- 1886 Menard County courthouse by Ruffini, Menardville, Texas.
- 1887 May 17 Felix Mann’s herd watering on the San Saba river, trailing to Clayton, New Mexico Andy H Murchison the trail boss on the gray horse in the foreground from Free State of Menard
- 1889 Las Moras Ranch House, Menard County, Texas.
- 1890 Menardville School
- 1890’s Murchison and Brothers Dry Good and Groceries, Menardville, Texas
- 1892 May 15 A H Murchison Grocery Store Menardville
- 1894 Menardville Jail
- 1894 c downtown Menardville on San Saba Avenue; left to right, Dr. Dorr, Mrs. Jake Appleman’s grandfather; Henry Luckenbach, little boy; Fritz Luckenbach, Sr., next two men are Vic Crump and Dave Maddox. Background photography shop belonging to Emil Toepperwein.
- 1895 entire Menardville school
- 1898 Dec 24 N. H. Rose Menardville five months before flood
- 1899 Jun 6, Menardville flood by Rose, N. H.
- 1890s c Nauwald, Sophie, Mrs. Emil Toepperwein (left) and Ella Nauwald (right) sisters from dsloan website.
- 1890 J. W. Hunter’s last school, taught at Menardville, Texas.
- 1890s photo of Australian Hotel and downtown Menardville Jones Collection shared on Facebook by Cody Mobley
- 1890s photo of courthouse, jail and school Jones Collection shared on Facebook by Cody Mobley.
- 1890s View of Menardville from east looking west shared on Facebook by Cody Mobley.
- 1891 Menardville Sheen family on the San Saba River near Menard
- 1894 Wilhelm ranch house folks identified shared on Facebook in Menard County History and Genealogy group.
- 1894 Fort McKavett school from Facebook shared by Fort McKavett State Historic Site
- 1895 last ox team to pass through Menardville. Mr and Mrs Alvin Halling and family moving from Fredericksburg to Sonora by E Toepperwein Menard News
- 1895 Road Workers near Menardville Texas from Free State of Menard
- 1895 Menardville Cornet Band from Free State of Menard
- 1895 Luckenbach family original home photo with dormers shared on Facebook Hannah Beall
- 1897 Jan 29 Wedding picture of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Toepperwein from Alicia Brown’s website.
- 1898 Menardville looking East shared on Facebook Menard County Texas History and Genealogy
- 1899 dedication of Catholic Church in Menardville from Alicia Brown’s website.
- 1899 dedication of Catholic Church in Menardville from Alicia Brown’s website.
- 1899 dedication of Catholic Church in Menardville from Alicia Brown’s website.
- 1899 c Sacred Heart Church built in Menardville photo from San Angelo Standard Times 2007
- 1899 Toepperwein Emil photo by photographer Asa Brack for Barr Studio San Antonio cabinet card from dsloan website.

1894 c Dr. Dorr, Luckenbachs and two unidentified at Emil Toepperwein Photographer building, Menardville, Texas

1875 c ambrotype to CDV stereo viewer Ragsdale photo of Mexican homes depicting earthen dugout in the San Saba River near Fort McKavett Texas Historic Commission

1875c Ragsdale ambrotype into CDV 10th Infantry Regiment hauling water to Fort McKavett from Government Springs West Texas Collection San Angelo THC

1878 M C Ragsdale photo of Company D and Captain D W Roberts Ranger Camp below Fort McKavett from UTSA website

1885c Wallick’s Store with Sam Wallick and family when army was there. This was in front of Episcopal church parking lot shared on Ft McKavett Facebook

1887 May 17 Felix Mann’s herd watering on the San Saba river, trailing to Clayton, New Mexico Andy H Murchison the trail boss on the gray horse in the foreground from Free State of Menard

1890s c Nauwald, Sophie, Mrs. Emil Toepperwein (left) and Ella Nauwald (right) sisters from dsloan website.

1890s photo of Australian Hotel and downtown Menardville Jones Collection shared on Facebook by Cody Mobley

1894 Wilhelm ranch house folks identified shared on Facebook in Menard County History and Genealogy group.
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