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Rangers Meet at Menard 1923

2013 May 23
by Jan Wilkinson

Rangers Meet in Menard 1923

Old Texas Rangers Reunion Menardville Texas 1923 FB Ginger

March 30, 2020, my friend, Ginger Andrews colorized this wonderful photo and shared on Facebook in the Menard County History page. The middle gentleman has been identified as Olfert Gottleib Striegler, with many family in Menard.  Others have thought the second gentleman from left might be James Brooks and the last one might be Benjamin Crawford Dragoo.

We find this great story in the very first issue of the Frontier Times, Vol. 1, No. 1 October, 1923.  It is found on page 19.

The article reads:

The ex-state rangers met at Menard,

Friday, September 6, in their annual session.

The officers of the organization are

W. M. Green. Major commanding, Meridian;

J. B. Gillett, Captain, Marfa; Norman Rogers,

First Lieutenant, Post; W. W. Lewis,

Second Lieutenant, Menard;

A. T. Richie, Adjutant, Comanche;

Henry Sackett, Orderly Sergeant and Secretary,

Coleman; W. H. Roberts, color bearer, Llano;

John O. Allen, chaplain, Cookville.

The ex-rangers, organized two years ago

at Weatherford, held their second meeting

at Comanche and met this year at Menard.

These towns are the scenes of one or more

Indian engagements, of which these men are

last survivors. The organization is limited

to men who saw service more than thirty

years ago, and, therefore, includes only

those who helped to clear Texas of

Indians and bad white men of the days

of Sam Bass and Nep Thornton.

There has probably never existed in

the American continent a group of men so

famous for individual courage and

fighting ability as the Texas rangers.

The force was organized in 1835, when

Texas was in revolt against Mexico. It

has existed in some form from that day

until this. The first force was stationed

on the outskirts of the settlements to

protect the people from the Indians.

When Texas achieved her independence

as set up her people were hard put to

it for precaution against the enemies that

came in from all sides. It was at this

time during the Republic that the great

ranger Captains developed. Jack Hays

was the greatest of them all. About

1840 he was stationed at San Antonio

with a bare handful of men to watch the

Mexican to the south fight the Indians on

the west and clear the town of desperate

characters. Hays had under his command

such men as Ben McCuIloch, who fell in the

Civil War; Ad Gillespie, who was killed at the

head of his troops in the battle of Monterey;

Big Foot Wallace and many others.


This is a shared photo from Facebook of those attending the 1923 Reunion in Menard, Texas taken by a photographer from Brownwood, Texas.


1923 Ranger Convention, Menard, Texas September 6-8 from the


Powell Family Photos

2013 April 3
by Jan Wilkinson

Here are some Powell family photos of my grandparents, Guy Moreland Powell dob 7 June 1902 in Red Oak, Ellis County, Texas dod 19 Oct 1960 Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas, married 7 Aug 1926 in Texas A&M College Chapel, College Station, Brazos County, Texas to Agnes McFee Milroy born 28 Dec 1897 in Navasota, Grimes County, Texas and dod 4 June 1975, Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas.

More at my blog post:

My Daddy was their oldest child, Guy Milroy Powell dob 30 Jul 1927 dod 7 Apr 1991. You can read more at my blog post: and

Guy Moreland Powell born 1902 on right and his baby brother, Cecil Powell born 1905.

Young Agnes Milroy around age 14.

My Daddy, baby Guy Milroy Powell born July 30, 1927.

My Daddy with his cute cowboy boots!


One of my favorite pictures! Taken in 1937 Gatesville Texas back yard on Bridge Street; children of Guy and Agnes Powell. Big brother Milroy Powell, age 10 with bicycle and dog Missy; youngest John, age 4 riding pony Nellie with sister Emily, age 6.

This photo was taken in College Station and is Guy Powell and wife Agnes Milroy Powell with oldest son Milroy on left, middle is son John and daughter Emily.

Milroy, John and Emily


Guy and Agnes Powell with Kerr County Agent Bill Rector on November 14, 1958 4-H Banquet.



Christmas 1990, my Daddy Milroy, Aunt Emily and Uncle John.

I really miss my Daddy and Uncle John and I wish much love for my ill Aunt Emily.


This is me!  This photo was taken on this Rambouillet ram in 1955-56 at either the State Fair of Texas or the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show in Fort Worth, Texas. I loved my GrandPop; I actually remember this very well!

Menard Texas 1898, 1899 and 2013

2013 February 21

Our sleepy little valley town on the San Saba River has many centuries of history. Menard was originally Menardville before the railroad came in 1911. Please plan a visit to our Free State of Menard.

Buddy and I took this photo on January 27, 2013, facing due east looking down Canal Street in Menard, Texas. Not sure the exact vantage point used by N. H. Rose’s photo but close. The tall building on the right side of Canal Street is the courthouse and further over to right is the Baptist Church and the green sided building is the Menard Elementary and Middle School. The Calvary Episcopal Church is the white rock building in the middle of the photo.

Click on the above Rose photos for a hyperlink to my posts.  Love to have your comments!


Col. W. J. Wilkinson’s Indian Experience

2013 February 17
by Jan Wilkinson

Wilkinson, W J at Clear Creek in rocking chair from museumgrayscaleunsharpmask

W. J. Wilkinson at Clear Creek, Menard County, Texas.

Here is a story about William Jackson Montgomery Wilkinson written in the Hunter’s Frontier Magazine in May 1916. This story is also told in the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell.

Col. W. J. Wilkinson’s Indian Experience

During 1864, W. J. Wilkinson, Press Beavers, a Mr. Key and Willis Holloway, operated ranches on the headwaters of the Pecan Bayou. One day while Mr. Wilkinson was riding along the banks of Burnt Branch, about five miles below his ranch, at a point about one-half miles from Caddo water. This Indian offered no resistance and threw his bow and arrows out on the bank. He also made signs of distress. To kill him under such circumstances would have been preposterous, but instead Col. Wilkinson promised to return in a short time with necessary provisions, for this wild man of the plains was perishing from hunger. This was late in the evening, and early next morning Mr. Wilkinson requested Mrs. Willis Holloway, wife of the man with whom he was ranching, to prepare certain delicacies of food. Finally Col. Wilkinson took them into his confidence, and related the story of the wounded Indian. They hastily prepared bandages, food and others provisions and Col. Wilkinson and Mr. Holloway hurried to the relief of the red man. Mr. Wilkinson said, “We have food and water, bound and splinted his broken thigh the best we could, and received in return every token of gratitude that the Indian sign language could convey. We visited our patient and administered to his wants several times after this, but one morning when we came to his hiding place in the thicket, he was gone.”

When this discovery was made Mr. Holloway recalled the fact that on the evening before, he had seen a large smoke signal rising from the summit of Caddo Peak. He also noticed a smaller smoke rise from a point in the valley below. But being at a great distance could not tell the exact locality from which the smoke originated, and besides these smoke signals by day, and fire signals at night, were so common, they attracted only passing notice.

Mr. Wilkinson said, “We never saw or heard of our Indian anymore.” Col. Wilkinson further related, “Eight months after this occurrence, while horse hunting near this same place where I found the wounded savage, I saw a horse in the edge of the thicket on the banks of the branch. Not suspecting a decoy, I rode down to this thicket under the impression that probably my stock was there. As I approached the horse I had noticed it disappeared, and when I rode into the brush where I had last seen him, five Indians suddenly rode up within a few feet of me with drawn bows, and were in the act of shooting when one who seemed to be the leader called out something in their language, and instantly every bow was lowered. I found myself a prisoner in the hands of the Comanches. I was well armed. I carried two heavy Colt pistols and a good gun, but the attempt to use either of these, I knew meant certain death. They seized my horse’s bridle and ordered e by signs to dismount. They then removed my saddle, placed it on the ground, and ordered me to stay by my saddle while they staked my horse in a glade nearby. This leader engaged in earnest conversation with the others before unsaddling my horse, and by his looks and gestures, I could plainly see that I was the subject of their remarks. My capture was affected in the afternoon and shortly afterwards I saw their signal smoke going up from Caddo Peak, one-half mile away, and I knew that others Indians were in the neighborhood.

“My captors treated with unexpected difference and respect. They offered no indignity; they did not disarm me, nor did they appropriate any of my belongings. I thought that my time had come, however, and made up my mind to abide by the result. I would be good until I saw that they were going to finish me, and as I still had my arms, I would shoot some of them before they lifted my scalp. At intervals all during the evenings, the smoke went up from Caddo Peak, and after nightfall, the signal fires took the place of the smoke, and there were runners to and fro between those on the Peak and the squad that held me several hours and until after midnight. Shortly after dark I spread my saddle blanket, and lay down, but not to sleep. It was a novel situation. I was a prisoner in the hands of the most inveterate, and most merciless foe, who were always known to deal out instant death to captured men, but in my case they had shown humane treatment. They had allowed me to retain my arms, they had their homely rations of horse meat with me at supper, had brought me water, had smoked by scanty supply of tobacco (by my permission) and so far, they had treated me like a white man, but what would the morning dawn bring to pass? These and a thousand other reflections occupied my thoughts until along toward day when tired nature yielded and I fell asleep. I slept, I suppose, two hours or longer, and awoke startled and bewildered. I sprang up and it seemed a minute or more before I could realize my surroundings. I was entirely alone, the sun was just rising, and there was my horse quietly grazing where they had staked him the night before. Not a thing belonging to me had been taken.”

In a short time a large number of rangers guided by James Mulkey, came along following the Indians trail. From the rangers, Col. Wilkinson learned the Indians had raided in the lower country, and were passing out with several head of stolen horses. The rangers were in close pursuit but never overtook the savages.

Concerning Col. Wilkinson’s unique experience he further said:

“My old friend and pioneer comrade, Capt. J. J. Callan offered a most reliable explanation of my treatment at the hands of the Indians and my miraculous escape. He said the wounded Indian was rescued by his comrades, to whom he related the kind of treatment he had received at the hands of two white men, whose appearance he minutely described, and also the locality, and when I was captured, the leader recognized from the description given, and spared me out of gratitude, and detained me overnight as a matter of policy, as they, my captors, were probably spies left behind to watch the rangers pursuit, and to signal their approach from the mountain peaks. To have released me at once, would have been unwise, as I would have spread the alarm.”

Col. W. J. Wilkinson was always a highly esteemed citizen and afterwards lived in Menard County, and we feel sure this story occurred just as he related, but his unusual experience presents an unusual story that reads like fiction.

Ref.: 20, Hunter’s Frontier Magazine, May 1916.

The above story is from the book, The West Texas Frontier, by Joseph Carroll McConnell.

Callahan County

Uncommemorated Sites from North to South

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San Antonio Texas – Battle of Flowers at Alamo Plaza Postcard

2012 December 26
by Jan Wilkinson

This is a postcard I found on eBay of the Battle of Flowers Parade in San Antonio, Texas. The publisher got the date wrong on the Battle of San Jacinto; which as we all know was April 21st. I was so happy to see it and for it to go so well with the family history of Lamar Wilkinson riding a float in the parade. He is sitting on the second seat on the outside right side. You can read about the history of the parade:

Notice the postcard has the Alamo on the top right of the Plaza. Here is my glass negative photo of the Alamo and you can read more at the link:

You can also see below the Federal Courthouse and Post Office which was built from 1886-1889 designed by architect J. Riely Gordon (1863-1937). Mr. Gordon worked in San Antonio from 1884 to 1900. This building was razed. Gordon is remembered for his courthouses, he designed eighteen for Texas.  These photos are in my collection and are glass negatives.

San Antonio Post Office c 1889

The late 1800’s history of San Antonio photos and the RPPC (Real Photo Post Card) postcard help tell the story, too.

Menardville Texas Before 1899 Flood

2012 December 22

On December 24, 1898, N. H. Rose took this photo of the sleepy little town of Menardville Texas, five months before the big flood of June 6, 1899, see flood photo at my post Menardville Texas 1899 Flood.  This photo was taken off the big hill on the west side of town looking due east.  You can see the courthouse and jail at the top right of the photo (both buildings were later razed). The San Saba River is on the left side behind the long row of buildings on main street downtown.  The town became Menard when the railroad came to town on February 10, 1911, and they wanted a shorter name on the sign.


So glad to have new visitors and hope you’ll come back soon and see what I might see Out My Kitchen Window.  Merry Christmas to all!!!


Menardville Texas 1899 Flood

2012 December 10

Wanted to share the 1899 Jun 6 Menardville Texas flood photo taken by N. H. Rose.  I wrote about Mr. Rose in my blog post:

His photo is looking due east and the San Saba River is on the far left side behind the buildings which are downtown.  You can see the old two story courthouse with copula on the top right.  This flood was very devastating to the homes and businesses.














This photo is from the Don Wilkinson Collection.



Fall in the Texas Hill Country

2012 December 3
by Jan Wilkinson

Thank you to all my new visitors today on my blog. Thanks to Traces of Texas from Facebook for sharing my link. It is very exciting to have you come and see what is Out My Kitchen Window!! Check back soon!

On November 28, 2012, in the early morning this beautiful moon was setting in the west over our ranch in Real County, Texas. Quite a sight!!

This weekend on Saturday afternoon we enjoyed going down this ranch road. The fall colors are beautiful. I love this time of the year!!

1950 Kaibab National Forest Non-Typical Mule Deer

2012 November 19

My family was able to hunt in the Kaibab National Forest on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in 1950. You can read about the trip at my blog post titled; 1953 April Outdoor Life – Five of a Kind.

My mother, Joan Auld Powell was lucky to get this beautiful non-typical mule deer during that hunting trip on November 2, 1950. It was entered in the Boone and Crockett competition. Here are two views and measurements for a final total of 230 1/8 score for her second place win from Boone and Crockett.

Owned by Jan Wilkinson

Owned by Jan Wilkinson

Owned by Jan Wilkinson




The Tivy High School Record – May 29, 1914

2012 October 26

I recently found in my mother’s files a 1963 letter sent by her father Dan Auld. It contained a copy from Howard E. Butt of The Tivy High School Record written May 29, 1914, Vol. 1 No. 8. It is a great school newspaper! Every name of every graduate of Tivy High School is listed.

In my previous post about the Tivy High School Class of 1914; I included a class photo and invitation and the writings by my grandmother, Gussie May Brown Auld. I just love finding these little jewels of our history.