Peacock School for Boys in San Antonio, Texas also known as Peacock Military Academy
My husband’s grandfather; Wilson Lamar Wilkinson was the fourth child of Nancy Mires and William Jackson Montgomery Wilkinson; born 17 September 1882 in Menard County, Texas. As a young boy, Lamar attended Peacock School for Boys. It was also known as Peacock Military Academy in San Antonio, Texas. It is believed to have been about 1898 when he was 16 years old.
Here is the “PSB” baseball team and Lamar is sitting on the second row and is the second from the left.
Lamar told the story that one time before going on the field he heard two young girls in the stands say, “What does PSB stand for? and the other girl said, “Poor Sonsofbitches”. He just laughed!
Lamar is on the top row fifth from the left. Photo is believed to have been taken about 1898.
You can read about the Battle of Flowers Parade in San Antonio where Lamar participated in a float while attending Peacock School for Boys.

Lamar Wilkinson is riding on the second wagon, middle row on the outside. In front of the Menger Hotel, San Antonio, Texas c1898
PEACOCK MILITARY ACADEMY. Peacock Military Academy, in San Antonio, also known as Peacock School for Boys, Peacock Military School, and Peacock Military College, was established in 1894 by Wesley Peacock. The institution was one of the first private preparatory boarding and day schools in Texas for boys between twelve and eighteen years of age. In 1900 two blocks of land adjoining the school were purchased, and a 2-½-story building for dormitories and classrooms was erected. The school was chartered by the state of Texas in 1904 and was recognized by the United States government as a military institute, junior ROTC unit. It was designated an honor school in 1908 by the Department of the Army. From 1920 to 1926 the United States Veterans Bureau leased the school plant, where 5,000 former servicemen were rehabilitated and given vocational training under government supervision. In 1933 the school was rechartered as a nonprofit educational corporation, a change that had been a longtime ambition of the founder. During World War II a training and research unit of the Texas State Guard was maintained at the facility. The school was fully accredited by the Texas Education Agency and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and was a member of the Southern Association of Independent Schools, the National Association of Military Schools, and the Texas Preparatory League.
Peacock Academy grew from nine boarding students and seventeen day students until enrollment had to be limited to 200 students. Weekly dress parades were held by the battalion of cadets on Sunday afternoons during the spring semester; high ranking officers from the local military bases were guests as reviewing officers. After the parade ceremonies, several distinctive drill teams-the Zouaves, the McKinnon Rifles, and the mounted “Monkey” Drill Team-performed. Wesley Peacock, Sr., was president until 1926, when he gave active management to his sons. Col. Wesley Peacock, Jr., became superintendent, and Col. Donald W. Peacock became commandant of cadets. The academy ceased operation in June 1973, and the entire school plant, over fifteen acres and fifteen buildings with their furnishings, was conveyed to the Salvation Army.
Vertical Files, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin.
The following, adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, is the preferred citation for this article.
Sharon R. Crutchfield, “PEACOCK MILITARY ACADEMY,” Handbook of Texas Online (, accessed January 09, 2012. Published by the Texas State Historical Association.
I was a cadet from 1946-1950. Col. Richardson always gave me sage advice, even in later years. My best friend was John Gill who died in a plane crash about 4 months after graduation while on a trip to Annapolis. Sad that I lost contact with all my classmates. I’m 91 now and live in Canyon Lake,TX
I went to peacock in 57 58 and i think every boy should have the privilege of going to a military oriented school to learn posture and obedience.
Near Woodlawn Lake in San Antonio. On the corner of Wilson and W. Ashby Pl
How are you doing Jan. We just celebrated the 127th Anniversary of Peacock Military Academy from October 8th- 10th, 2021. Thanks. Butch Good
PMA Class of 1967
The Vietnam War caused many military academies to close. Google Defunct Military Academies and they’ll give you an A- Z list of them. Some with their histories.
Go on the internet and google Dwight Eisenhower + peacock Military Academy football coach and a picture of the 1915 team with Dwight Eisenhower will com up.
The academy ceased operation in June 1973, and the entire school plant, over fifteen acres and fifteen buildings with their furnishings, was conveyed to the Salvation Army. This is from the Handbook of Texas, not sure the address.
Where was the Peacock school actually located?
James, thank you for your comment. What a family!
My great grandfather, Duncan Delamar Peacock, is Wesley Peacock, Sr.’s brother. They both grew up on thier father’s (Clayton Delamar Peacock) plantation which was located where the Thomasville, Ga. city Golf course is today. Wesley’s two other brothers (Clatyon Peacock and John Peacock) created a succesful Peacock School for Boys in Atlanta, Ga. In all, there were 5 brothers and 1 sister. All very successful in life.
My father attended PMA in San Antonio from 1925-graduation. He took us, his family, to meet the headmaster and he remembered my father. I’m fortunate enough to have had a father who could tell us stories of PMA and old San Antonio. Daddy was known for trick riding on his beautiful horse that I have a picture of.
The only information I have found is the IRS website for non-profit/charity organizations shows a 990EZ filing for the Peacock Military Academy Alumni Association Inc. in 2018 under EIN: 74-2304994 | Their address is 113 Emery Lane, Boerne, TX 78806. Hope this will be helpful. Great family history! Hope they can help save your information.
My grandfather (A.C. Egg) attended PMA somewhere around 1890-1894 (est) Wesley Peackcock married Selina Egg from Edna, Texas. My grandfather’s sister. I have some old articles and pictures that were passed down.
Is there a historical location in San Antonio or Austin?
Donald Egg
Susan, the IRS website for non-profit/charity organizations shows a 990EZ filing for the Peacock Military Academy Alumni Association Inc. in 2018 under EIN: 74-2304994 | Their address is 113 Emery Lane, Boerne, TX 78806. Hope this will be helpful.
My grandfather attended Peacock Military Academy at age 13 to 18. He was sent there in 1914 as an orphan, by his older siblings. I am interested to find his school records as his parents and siblings last name was Hooter, but his name was Stephen Ross Hootaire. I remember seeing his class photo in the 1960s but it has been lost over time. Can you please direct me to where I might find the student record archieves?
I think Dan Blocker attended TMI, when it was in West Texas. Thanks to Butch Good, who revived a childhood memory when my father told me about Dwight Eisenhower visit in 1962.
If I am not mistaken Dan Blocker, of Bonanza fame, attended Peacock.
I do not know any of the history of the school, sorry.
Why dd the Peacock Academy close it’s doors in 1972? It seemed like such a wonderful and disciplines place of learning.
President Eisenhower was at Peacock as a football coach in 1915 after graduating from West Point. The football team won a state championship. He was stationed at Fort Sam Houston at the time. He came back in 1962 and reviewed the Kadets,
Butch Good
PMA Class of 1967
Hi Jan-
I’m a graduate of Peacock Military Academy. I did most sports their and a member of their crack Zouave Military drill team. There is memorabilia at their Wesley Peacock House .
Butch Good
PMA Class of 1967
I’m glad to hear y’all found a little jewel of history. Unfortunately only my husband’s grandfather attended Peacock and I’m not aware of any website for their memorabilia. Your Mr. Brown is not kin folk. Again thanks for sharing!
You might try posting on the Vintage San Antonio Facebook page.
my finance’ just found a an invitation for Commencement Exercises which lists all graduates for the class of 1940. Theo Leroy Brown was was Class President. Any interest?
Doug, I do not have a class photo. Only the ones of Lamar Wilkinson from the turn of the century. Good luck on your hunt and I’m glad you found my blog. Jan
I was researching some family history and ran across a 1918 draft card of my paternal grandfather. His place of residence was listed as “Peacock Military College”. Would you happen to have a class photo from that time period? –Doug M.
Today on Facebook was a photo of Dwight and Mamie in 1916 and many comments about his coaching at St. Mary’s University. Thought you might this interesting.
Did you see my reply to you on my blog yesterday? I never know if anyone sees my replies.
Jan’s Blog
Glad you found my blog! Really nice you have a picture of President Eisenhower; I was not aware of him coaching at Peacock but his website has the below excerpt:
Those first years took Eisenhower to military posts in Texas, Georgia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and, then, back again to Georgia and Maryland. Frequently, Eisenhower coached the posts’ football teams, an assignment he initially balked at, however, as one of his West Point performance reports stated, he was “born to command.” Although felt great satisfaction training World War I recruits for effective overseas duty, he was very impatient for his own chance to ship out to France. Eisenhower applied, reapplied, and lobbied his superiors for an assignment to combat duty–even to the point of reprimand–and was resentful at having missed out on “his” war.
Hope you come and visit again.
I attended PMA 1953-1955 (7-8 grades). I marched in several Fiesta parades and many when there. I have a picture of Pres. Eisenhower as football coach in 1915. Would you know anything about that. I’ve checked several places but can’t seem to get anywhere. I do have the picture.
Thank you for your comment and I’m glad you like my site!
What a treasure of information. Thank you for so generously sharing it.
Bill Nogues
(great grandson of Alice Whitaker Vaughan (Whittie) and James Levi Noguess)