Rangers Meet at Menard 1923
Rangers Meet in Menard 1923
March 30, 2020, my friend, Ginger Andrews colorized this wonderful photo and shared on Facebook in the Menard County History page. The middle gentleman has been identified as Olfert Gottleib Striegler, with many family in Menard. Others have thought the second gentleman from left might be James Brooks and the last one might be Benjamin Crawford Dragoo.
We find this great story in the very first issue of the Frontier Times, Vol. 1, No. 1 October, 1923. It is found on page 19.
The ex-state rangers met at Menard,
Friday, September 6, in their annual session.
The officers of the organization are
W. M. Green. Major commanding, Meridian;
J. B. Gillett, Captain, Marfa; Norman Rogers,
First Lieutenant, Post; W. W. Lewis,
Second Lieutenant, Menard;
A. T. Richie, Adjutant, Comanche;
Henry Sackett, Orderly Sergeant and Secretary,
Coleman; W. H. Roberts, color bearer, Llano;
John O. Allen, chaplain, Cookville.
The ex-rangers, organized two years ago
at Weatherford, held their second meeting
at Comanche and met this year at Menard.
These towns are the scenes of one or more
Indian engagements, of which these men are
last survivors. The organization is limited
to men who saw service more than thirty
years ago, and, therefore, includes only
those who helped to clear Texas of
Indians and bad white men of the days
of Sam Bass and Nep Thornton.
There has probably never existed in
the American continent a group of men so
famous for individual courage and
fighting ability as the Texas rangers.
The force was organized in 1835, when
Texas was in revolt against Mexico. It
has existed in some form from that day
until this. The first force was stationed
on the outskirts of the settlements to
protect the people from the Indians.
When Texas achieved her independence
as set up her people were hard put to
it for precaution against the enemies that
came in from all sides. It was at this
time during the Republic that the great
ranger Captains developed. Jack Hays
was the greatest of them all. About
1840 he was stationed at San Antonio
with a bare handful of men to watch the
Mexican to the south fight the Indians on
the west and clear the town of desperate
characters. Hays had under his command
such men as Ben McCuIloch, who fell in the
Civil War; Ad Gillespie, who was killed at the
head of his troops in the battle of Monterey;
Big Foot Wallace and many others.
This is a shared photo from Facebook of those attending the 1923 Reunion in Menard, Texas taken by a photographer from Brownwood, Texas.

1923 Ranger Convention, Menard, Texas September 6-8 from the https://trhc.org/uploads/3/5/4/9/35499853/1923-exrangers-assoc-meeting-menard_orig.jpg
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