261st Anniversary of the Destruction of the Mission Santa Cruz de San Sabá

José L. González, Cee Cee Kelley and Col. Terry Kelley

Saturday, March 16, 2019, the Menard County Historical Commission with Chairman, Col. USMC Terrell Kelley (ret.), the Presidio de San Saba Restoration Corporation board members and Menard’s Sacred Heart Catholic Church, along with many commission members, locals and out of town guests attended a wreath laying ceremony to commemorate the 261st anniversary of the attack and destruction of the Mission Santa Cruz de San Sabá and the Martyrdom of the Fathers Alonso Giraldo de Terreros and Jose de Santiesteban Aberín.
The site of the Mission has a Texas State Historical monument which was dedicated during the Texas Centennial in 1936. The Mission was located between the San Saba River and extended to where the historical marker is now located on the north side of Highway 2092, about two miles east of town. We thank Monte Lyckman and his family for allowing us access to the site during the ceremony. Attending the event was Drue Lyckman Bearden and her daughter Chel with her three children from Mason.
We were especially honored that Mark Wolf read his cousin’s first-hand deposition of the attack during the ceremony. Mr. Wolf is a direct descendant of Juan Leal, the principal assistant at the mission to Father Terreros. Leal was wounded during the attack, but fully recovered. Mark helped in the re-discovery of the lost mission site and was also a key contributor to the Phase I restoration of the Presidio site. [The Presidio de San Saba Restoration Corporation is working on their Phase II now and welcomes donations and sponsors for our wonderful historical site.]
The short ceremony included a wreath laying and a blessing of the site by Father Innocent Eziefule from Nigeria, pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church Parish. The wreath made by Cee Cee Kelley included the Coat of Arms for Cortegana, Spain, our Sister-City. Cynthia Jordan, composer, singer and songwriter from San Angelo, Texas, famous for her song ‘Jose Cuervo’, sang her original ballad, “El Corrido de San Saba”.
We were again honored to have as part of the ceremony, reenactor José L. González, portrayed Fray Miguel de Molina, who was a member of the Mission in 1758. Mr. González plays this part in the ‘A Walk through Time’ historical event which will be held at the Presidio de San Saba on Saturday, April 6, 2019. Also appearing will be Cynthia Jordan singing her ballad about the San Saba Mission and local Rhome Hill and his Song of Silver.
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