My blog was started to provide interesting and informative history, genealogy and photography about our history and ancestors. Surnames WILKINSON, POWELL, AULD, BROWN, LOWRANCE, BRADFORD, HARRYMAN, STULTING, TURNER, MILROY and Texas counties; Menard, Kerr, Real, Concho and others. I may also include anything else I see along the way!
Among our family histories; I am the great-great granddaughter of Joshua D. Brown, the first settler and founder of Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas in 1856. My husband’s great-grandfather was William Jackson Montgomery Wilkinson, originally from Mississippi and pioneer to Menard County, Texas in late 1860’s; just to name two of our families.
I welcome your comments and feedback. You may send them to Send Email.
If you are interested in using any of my photos, please contact me. Thanks for stopping by for a while. You might enjoy visiting our Facebook Wilkinson Ranch page or our website http://wilkinsonranch.com.
I am really happy you visited my blog and I hope you enjoyed looking Out My Kitchen Window.
Thank you Silva, see if you can click this link to the Hannah’s story; https://blog.wilkinsonranch.com/2014/03/02/miss-hannah-crafted-learning/
I’m also going to send to your email, in case you don’t see this reply. Jan
I tried to look up the story on Hannah Crafted but obviously I did something wrong. I really liked the story you posted. For a Menard girl I know almost nothing about the silver diggers and lookers.
If you could send me the correct way to get to that story I would really appreciate it. Thanks for all you do.
I gave you the wrong address for my soon to be blog…it will be: atreegrowsintexas.com
I misssssssssssssssss you! I am in the process of starting my own blog and could probably use some advice! I am thinking of doing a blog like yours and then sharing to Truth Social… it all depends on if I can get the blog started… lots to figure out! You are my mentor…! We are starting out trying to use wordpress… I don’t know how in the world you created this wonderful page… I am going to show it to my son in the hopes he can help me. I think my page is going to be Gonetotexas.com … not positive, will let you be the first to see it!
I am the granddaughter of Florence Fenley (1898-1971) and have strong family ties to the Menard, Kerrville and Sabinal Canyon Area through the Wilson, Davenport and Fenley lines. I would appreciate any photographic assistance possible.
Thank you so much,
Daune Reinier
Thank you for reading my blog. You can sign up with email or RSS; on a computer it is on the top left of the page. On a smart phone it is in the drop down beside the title of my blog Out My Kitchen Window. Let me know if I can help. Thank you for the suggestion of the unt.edu site for help. Jan
How do I subscribe?
I just found your blog and was delighted. I am the grandson of Grace Lowrance, and am always looking to add to my knowledge of early Kerr county area. My wife has done some research on the Lowrance family and we would be happy to share if you have any questions.
Please keep up the good work.
Thank you and I have sent your question and kind words to Mr. Meinzer to reply back to you direct. Visit again soon! Jan
at a old folks home in New Braunfels I seen today several pictures signet W.Meinzer. I am pretty sure they are your work.
all I can say.
My Question:
Fotos on Canvas, how is that done.
Thank you again for this wonderful display,
Manfred Heymann
Please share these marvelous pieces of history!
Send to my email and I will start a folder! Thanks.