Posts from the ‘Texas’ Category
- 16.14.12Guy M. Powell died at an early age
- 06.13.12Alamo photo 1904
- 26.12.12June 12, 1948 – Joan Auld and Milroy Powell wedding
- 36.5.12Palmer School, 1909-1944, Menard County, Texas by Jake Landers
- 05.11.12Early Maps of Kerr County
- 301.9.12Peacock School for Boys in San Antonio, Texas also known as Peacock Military Academy
- 012.1.11Friends of Schreiner Mansion Museum
- 1111.20.11Noah Hamilton Rose, famous Menardville photographer and 1937 Presidio photo
- 111.16.11Menard and Centuries of History
- 310.31.11Menardville Photos